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Your job will never be the same once AI takes over the digital world.

AI growth forecast is quite impressive: the AI market was worth $1 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow to almost $2 trillion by 2030.

Is AI already replacing human jobs? Yes and no. While some jobs can become obsolete because AI can perform various tasks quicker and easier, there will be more opportunities for professionals who use and develop AI.

As history is a spiral, similar events and job market changes happened before. The Industrial Revolution was similar to the AI takeover we see today. At the time, machines replaced human labor, making thousands of people redundant. However, the job market needed more people who constructed and operated these machines.

Machines can perform frequent high-volume tasks faster and with a lower risk of making mistakes. As AI learns from huge data collections, it can only produce something based on previously known information. When it comes to innovative solutions and creative thinking, AI is still not close to human thinking.

Professions that AI will not replace

As we already know, AI lacks empathy and creativity, which is vital for many jobs.

  1. Strategical jobs. Managers and strategists can rely on AI’s calculations and assumptions, but human strategic and creative thinking is still irreplaceable.
  2. Psychologists, psychotherapists, and related jobs. Mental health professionals s AaI doesn’t have emotional intelligence, it is not likely for technologies to replace jobs that require empathy in the nearest future.
  3. Lawyers. Lawyers can use AI to automate certain aspects of legal work, such as document review and data mining. AI is limited in its ability to understand and interpret the complexities of the law. It cannot apply legal principles to a given situation and articulate the legal arguments that lawyers use to persuade judges and juries. It is not possible for AI to think critically, empathize with clients, and engage in creative problem-solving. Ultimately, AI is a tool that can be used to supplement, rather than replace, the expertise and judgment of human lawyers.
  4. Politicians. Politicians are responsible for making decisions that affect the lives of their electorate. They must understand their constituents' concerns and make decisions that reflect their values and interests. AI cannot understand and act on the needs of a population in the same way.
  5. Chefs and confectioners. They must be able to understand flavor combinations and the needs of their customers. Creating delicious and visually appealing meals requires creativity and artistry AI cannot replace.

Work processes that will change because of AI

  1. Human resource management. AI can process and rate thousands of resumés within minutes to find perfect candidates among the applicants. Technologies that track and assess workers’ productivity will also become more advanced thanks to AI. Moreover, AI can draft documents and agreements based on a company's previous documentation.
  2. Task automation. As for now, Chat GPT can generate simple texts and code, which already helps people involved in IT and writing. AI can also categorize and summarize data in finance, marketing, healthcare, and any other field that involves large amounts of information.
  3. Workplace optimization. The market will definitely offer more smart devices to optimize homes and workplaces. AI will replace human jobs and change the gadgets or functions we typically use for work.
  4. Training and education. AI-improved training will be a part of the corporate world soon. It will help analyze employee performance and current skills or offer personalized training courses with learning results assessment.

What jobs and tasks is AI likely to replace or change in the future?

  1. Customer support. Technology replacing jobs in customer service is not new. You may have seen pop-up windows with chatbots on different websites. They can solve most simple problems but still need human assistance with more complex issues. AI can process more advanced requests much faster than human employees.
  2. Analytical jobs. Most analysts primarily gather, categorize, and analyze numerical data, which can be classified as frequent high-volume tasks. This can apply to investment analysis and market research. At this point, analysts in various fields can use AI to speed up their workflow. 
  3. Courier services. Robots are already involved in food and package delivery. Moreover, AI can optimize routes with thousands of orders considering traffic, weather conditions, and customer preferences. AI can also predict customer demand to minimize costs and ensure timely delivery. It can automate customer communication, providing customers with notifications on the delivery status. AI software can detect and prevent fraud in the delivery process so that goods are delivered securely and on time.
  4. Accounting. AI can process bookkeeping and other repetitive high-volume accounting tasks. However, professionals deal with data interpretation better. In addition, trust and reputation are vital in the business world. That is why people prefer to place confidence in other people instead of machines.
  5. Trading. AI can analyze market data and determine risks. It can also detect trends or monitor orders and positions. With artificial intelligence, traders can make more accurate decisions and reduce the risk of losses. They can predict the best moment to buy and sell to maximize their profit.
  6. Teaching. Educational processes have already gone through big changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Studying institutions worldwide moved classes to online platforms, and roughly 1.2 billion students became e-learners. As the online education market is anticipated to reach a $350 billion value by 2025, the rising demand will create opportunities for AI implementation in EdTech. 
  7. Coding. Chat GPT is already famous for writing code and checking it for errors. Like most AI systems, it uses code and information that already exists and is available online. That is why it is highly likely that AI will automate and optimize coding tasks that don’t need creative and innovative solutions. Code written by Chat GPT can’t always generate code that is 100% applicable to a website or application. That is why code created by AI requires professionals that will check, improve, and adapt it.
  8. Graphic design and digital art. DALL-E2, offered by OpenAI, can generate digital art and provide several style variations based on user description. AI uses images it can access online and requires human vision and creativity regarding ideas. For example, here is AI-generated digital art created using a “cyberpunk New York” request:

  1. Writing, journalism, advertising. Media jobs will change and become more automatical since AI can understand and create text data faster than people. A technical journal CNET has already published multiple articles primarily written by Chat GPT. While content created by AI still needs human supervision and fact-checking, it will eventually evolve into more sophisticated content creation.
  2. Transcription. Transcribers convert audial and audiovisual information into text. Plenty of AI tools can do it and require minimum proofreading and editing. The job market will no longer need transcribers as AI technologies become more advanced.

What jobs will be in demand because of AI?

  1. Machine learning and AI engineers. They design, develop, and maintain systems that use artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to automate tasks and processes. They are also responsible for creating algorithms and models that enable computers to learn from data, recognize patterns, and make decisions without explicit programming. They can be used in applications that solve problems in healthcare, finance, and logistics.
  2. Dev/Ops. They deal with automation, management, orchestration, and deployment of AI applications to guarantee that everything runs smoothly. In addition, Dev/Ops can orchestrate services, manage different AI components, and optimize application performance. Dev/Ops can also deploy AI applications and ensure their security.
  3. Data sourcing jobs. Their responsibilities involve identifying, acquiring, and managing data of various origins, such as databases, web APIs, and other external sources. Data sourcing is an integral part of data analysis, as it helps organizations to gain valuable insights into their operations and processes. Data sourcing jobs require an understanding of how to access and use various types of data, as well as the ability to organize and structure it. 
  4. Data annotation specialists. They are responsible for labeling, tagging, and organizing data sets so that they can be used to train machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. This may involve labeling images, text, and audio combined with assigning metadata to digital objects. Data annotation specialists may also verify the accuracy of machine-generated labels, create and maintain data annotation standards, or recommend improvements.
  5. Data scientists. They collect and analyze large amounts of data to uncover trends, patterns, and insights. Data scientists implement various techniques, such as machine learning, data mining, predictive analytics, and artificial intelligence, to uncover insights from data. They communicate these insights to stakeholders for decision-making. In addition, data scientists often develop algorithms to automate data analysis processes.
  6. Big data engineers. Big data engineers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the architecture. It stores, processes, and analyzes large data sets. They must be proficient in various programming languages like Java, Python, and SQL. Knowledge about cloud-based technologies like Hadoop and Spark is also a part of the required qualifications. Big data engineers must be able to interpret complex data sets, identify patterns, and develop solutions to problems. They are also responsible for ensuring big data systems' accuracy, integrity, and security.
  7. Business intelligence developers. Business intelligence (BI) developers create and maintain software applications that store, analyze, and report large quantities of data. They use a variety of programming languages and technologies to develop databases, data warehouses, and other data-related systems. They also use analytics and reporting tools to monitor, analyze, and report on data, helping organizations make informed decisions.
  8. Business development managers. Business intelligence managers oversee the development, implementation, and maintenance of an organization’s business intelligence (BI) strategy. They ensure that all the needed data is collected, stored, and organized efficiently. Additionally, they may provide oversight of BI analysts, coordinate with other departments to ensure data accuracy, and collaborate with upper management to ensure the information is used effectively.

Evolution and changes are natural to the business environment. Your job might be in one of the lists above, so that you can consider additional education or corporate training. Even if you haven’t found your occupation here, AI will change your day-to-day routine or can become a part of your work someday.

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