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Jessica Meurer on why wellness design is all about making things easy for users.
Workspace chameleons: why ambiverts make more successful leaders than extroverts.
Before leaving your job, assess potential losses and options for improvement.
Key takeaways on how 'Zillennials' will drive content marketing in 2024 and beyond.
What solutions architects and business owners need to know about the GenAI revolution.
Are you ready to become an AI aficionado in less than 10 minutes?
Will Google favor AI-generated texts and how corporations leverage ChatGPT in advertising?
The first black woman promoted to General Manager at Microsoft on how minority employees can climb the corporate ladder.
Why staff turnover isn't necessarily bad, and how Amazon manages to patent over 1,000 inventions annually.
Digital marketing evangelist Nicolas Darveau-Garneau on what the future holds for marketers.
This kind of work seems simple only at first glance, but not everyone can land these roles.
Is humor a fitting choice for marketing, and which brands excel in crafting amusing ads?
Start your transformation journey today.
How to Spark Creativity Without Waiting for Inspiration.
How Sonny Vaccaro's Vision Transformed Nike from Near Bankruptcy to a Billion-Dollar Powerhouse.
AI adoption is progressing, but foundational risks and barriers persist.
Discover how to integrate AI into your product design process and streamline repetitive tasks.
Everything you need to know about making the leap from Creative to Creative Director, wrangling clients and learning to love (and hate) other people’s ideas.
Blizzard’s UX/UI guru Ivy Sang on the pros and cons of working in the gaming industry as a designer.
A career guide by Etsy’s AI/ML guru Jyothi Nookula.
An insider’s guide to creative direction and advertising for top brands.
Instead of telling people information, show them.
How to Successfully Navigate a Major Career Change.
Max Romanenko on US sales trends and building trust with American customers.
What skills will employers and the world need?
For Hungry Creatives Souls: innovative marketing ideas that captivate, amuse, and win hearts.
Discover how AI is revolutionizing traditional banking processes.
Collaborative Possibilities Between Artists, Designers, and AI.
Tips on how to become an outstanding Creative Director from the man behind the Whopper Detour campaign.
From mobile gaming, VR, and NFTs to the rise of gamer parents, here are the major trends that shaped the gaming landscape in 2023.
Why every Product Manager should understand AI and ML in 2023.
Scott Gwartz on NBA-style negotiations and the business of basketball.
11 Essential Guidelines for Game Designers.
It’s time to rewrite reality’s rules: See more and be more with AR/MR.
The global VR/AR market value is projected to hit $297 billion by 2024. Dive into VR/AR design with these top 5 apps.
Find bugs to craft better worlds and build gaming excellence together.
Six tips to master the art of AR/VR from a former Amazon UX designer.
From gamer to game changer: Accept the challenge and become a part of the gaming industry.
Why "Pay more or I'll leave" isn't effective.
Don’t underestimate the power of eco-conscious businesses to shape a better world.
Vienna has been named the world's most comfortable city for the fourth time in the past five years.
Valuable examples, common mistakes, and practical tips for effective planning.
What does it take to create epic game adventures and thrill millions of players?
Sometimes we tend to create problems even when they don't exist – but we can change that.
Brainstorm, create, manage, and optimize without losing your creative spark.
Burger wars, chicken-scented Crocs, and other innovative solutions from the top 3 brands, according to the Effie Index 2022.
Who’s playing, and who’s paying? Learn more about your target audience with game metrics.
Learn how to power up and transform your creative energy into unforgettable ads.
Turning your passion into a job: how to become a game designer.
Ever wondered how organizations stay one step ahead of cyber threats?
What’s the future of digital marketing and how to lead a successful marketing team.
Lowering your standards can improve your mental health — here's how to cope with perfectionism.
Harness the power of sisterhood: Empowering women through mentorship.
Fails of GAP, Mastercard, Royal Mail, and other well-known brands.
Eight manipulative phrases your colleagues might use.
Backward planning, beating the forgetting curve, Steve Jobs approach, and other methods to study effectively.
Lost in a Sea of Data? Discover the Right Visualization Tool to Navigate the Depths.
Typography is the art of giving voice to words, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary, and creating a symphony of shapes.
What do companies miss out on by not prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Do you want to stay ahead of the curve in HR analytics? Discover the cutting-edge technologies and trends driving the future of the industry.
Unlock the hidden potential of Excel and take control of your data.
The future of product management: Embracing blockchain technology for innovation and growth.
Have you ever thought of trying yourself in a new role?
College investment: does higher education pay off in achieving the American dream?
Learn dashboard design principles with our guide.
Online education: is it the future of learning or an essential part of today’s studies?
Your job will never be the same once AI takes over the digital world.
The game industry is not only about children’s entertainment anymore.
and unlock employees' happiness and business growth.
Data analysts deal with many diverse tasks and projects in a high-tech business world. Read on to find out what you need to be a data analyst.
Product design: a melting pot of design, user needs, business goals, and consistently successful products.
To understand the main difference between an art director and a creative director, you first need to know which came first.
It’s no news that the amount of data is growing exponentially every day. Different organizations are gathering, storing, and managing data like never before. Read on to discover the best tools for data management.
The role of a project manager is evolving as businesses evolve. Let's dive into the roles and responsibilities of a project manager, the experience and skill required to excel in your new career.
What is the role of a UX designer? Here’s your introduction to everything a UX designer does, and a few tips on how to get into the field.
Product management places the responsibility of a product’s success on your shoulders. What do you need to learn to optimize your skills and stay ahead of the game? Read on to find out.
An unbiased attempt to calculate the ROI of education in the US.
LinkedIn Jobs Senior Product Designer on the dynamic role of designers, harnessing the power of user advocacy, and how to lead a multi-faceted course.
Lead Product Manager of Google Speech uncovers his career path, defines Product Manager role, and shares the right questions to ask.
An overview of brands' attempts to go online — both successful and not.
A comprehensive guide for everyone, who's unsatisfied with their current position, yet hesitant about changing career.
Director of Data Science from IBM demystifies AI and shares the core skills for the craft.
Senior Data Scientist from DocuSign explains how basic SQL skills today are similar to typing skills 100 years ago.
The science behind workplace diversity, how it influences the revenue of a company, and how can one build a truly efficient diverse team.
What makes the language, invented in the 1970s still relevant? Why SQL knowledge now is as important as typing skills were hundred years ago? How to communicate with DBAs effectively without knowing SQL?
A Detective fiction essay about 100% real Cyberattack that was a threat to 19 million people.
A brief summary of "Digital Marketing Analytics: In Theory And In Practice" by Kevin Hartman, Google's Director of Analytics
The PR mastermind standing behind Nike's, Super Bowl's, and Gatorade's campaigns — reveals backstage details and shares what it takes to be a successful PR practitioner.
Netflix's HR Business Partner shares the secret sauce of Netflix's success in talent management, core features that make superstar HRs from beginners, and some hints on how to build a healthy corporate culture.
Dropbox’s HelloSign head of design comments on must-have UX design skills, design team management, and aspects of design in B2B software environment.
A detailed overview of the most common sales team models and core roles, followed by expert opinion.
A thorough look at a Nobel-winning psychological study and how it affects modern UX design decisions.
Google’s Head of Corporate Sales for the North Central United States details how to combine innate skills with developed talents for sales techniques that deliver in and out of the office.
"Producers are very important people – they’re a little like Book Editors, a little like Film Producers and a lot like Product Managers” — Trip Hawkins
A world-known Game Guru with over 20 years of experience shares his view of the Game Producer role, developer’s burnout, and low-budget GameDev.
Semrush’s Chief Strategy Officer unwinds his idea of luck, privacy regulations, and the future of online marketing.
An aggregated cross-industry report on how events in 2020 influenced our lives from an economic perspective.
A look at the history and current state of American economy, reshaped by technology.
A look at the history and current state of American economy, reshaped by technology.
The Director of Analytics at Google on the pivotal role of an analyst, the future of collecting data, and learning while teaching.
Fiverr’s strategic partnership and affiliate manager shares his expertise on how to build and manage valuable strategic partnerships to increase revenue and the ways to analyze a commercial contract.
A versatile framework to build a strong visual narrative, followed with a list of visual storytelling principles, and an expert opinion.
Discover the intricacies of motion design in UI/UX, how iconic brands are leveraging the art of design in motion, and the best of motion design in music.
Why Product Lead has become such a crucial position, how is it different from a Product Manager and what traits should a person have to become one.
How Big Data influences your insurance plan and credit cards. Why Agriculture sector collaborates with NASA, and how AI reshapes Retail industry.
Google Duplex’s Product Lead comments on how product management merges with other domains, the background good product managers should have, and how to build useful products.
Award-winning motion designer comments on his career trajectory, embracing failures, and the value of feelings in motion design.
Game over for Mario, Pac-Man, Sonic, and Solid Snake. It’s Minesweeper and Mortal Kombat that claim victory when it comes to nostalgia for video games released in the 1980s and 1990s.
Once data is decoded and presented using data visualization tools, it can tell you a lot of secrets.
Investing in a company includes investing in individual employees.
Where once a bachelor’s degree was essential to landing a top job, that short line on our resumes is no longer so powerful.
According to a new study, student loan debt continues to burden the graduate workforce, putting strain on their mental health and forcing them to delay significant life events.
More than ever, US employees are working on vacation, checking their inboxes when off the clock, and sacrificing their downtime — and it's taking a mental toll.
A study of 21 500 Americans reveals ways to secure an up to 50% salary bump without changing your profession.
A renowned creativity expert on how to turn our natural curiosity into new ventures.
Learn what skills employers are looking for from a game writer and how to break into the games industry as a writer.
Discover sustainable initiatives from Boeing, Adidas, and more that can elevate your business while benefiting the planet.
Tips on writing a compelling game storyline from the lead writer of Avalanche.
The world of work is in constant evolution. Are you adapting to the shift?